“One time a year, our departed come back to celebrate with us”
With the approaching celebration of the Day of the Dead, the Carnegie community promote their creativity and imagination with the elaboration of different decorations alluding to this tradition through craft workshops.
These great activities will be carried out continuously until November 2. As part of the teaching, participants from the Carnegie community, supported by instructors, will design and make decorations with paper materials, which they will personalize with colors and figures allusive to this beautiful celebration of the Day of the Dead.
These decorations will be used to decorate five altars located in Watari, Oppenheimer Park, Vandu, Listening Post and Carnegie.
This activity is open to the general public on Thursdays October 13, 20 and 27 from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Carnegie Community Center.
No registration required.