An Introduction to Wills and Estate Planning (Online)

Zoom (online) , Canada

Information session. No prior knowledge needed. Presenter: Christopher Heslinga (pronouns: he, him, his) Supervising Lawyer (Civil) Law Students' Legal Advice Program Program Description: Learn about why it is important to have a Will and what is involved in Estate Planning in BC. This program will be presented in spoken English. To register for a space…

Advance Care Planning Is Part of Life Planning (Online)

Zoom (online) , Canada

Presenter: Melody Jobse, Community Engagement & Development BC Centre for Palliative Care Program Description: Do you have a plan for your future health care and personal care? If you couldn't speak for yourself, do your family and friends know what your healthcare wishes are? Come  learn how to plan for your future health and personal…

Sacred Memorial Shrine Workshop for Front Line Workers

Carnegie Community Centre 401 Main Street, Vancouver on MST Territory, BC, Canada

Presenter: Paula Jardine / Marina Szijarto Program Description: An online gathering for making simple memorials, using a template provided, to honour those whose deaths have affected our lives. Guided by artist Marina Szijarto, the workshop is intended to be a refuge from what feels like a relentless wave of loss in the downtown east side.The…

Sacred Memorial Shrine Workshop for Front Line Workers

Zoom (online) , Canada

Presenter: Paula Jardine / Marina Szijarto Program Description: An online gathering for making simple memorials, using a template provided, to honour those whose deaths have affected our lives. Guided by artist Marina Szijarto, the workshop is intended to be a refuge from what feels like a relentless wave of loss in the downtown east side.…

Sacred Memorial Shrine Workshop for Front Line Workers

Carnegie Community Centre 401 Main Street, Vancouver on MST Territory, BC, Canada

Presenter: Paula Jardine / Marina Szijarto Program Description: An online gathering for making simple memorials, using a template provided, to honour those whose deaths have affected our lives. Guided by artist Marina Szijarto, the workshop is intended to be a refuge from what feels like a relentless wave of loss in the downtown east side.…

Sacred Memorial Shrine Workshop for Front Line Workers

Zoom (online) , Canada

Presenter: Paula Jardine / Marina Szijarto Program Description: An online gathering for making simple memorials, using a template provided, to honour those whose deaths have affected our lives. Guided by artist Marina Szijarto, the workshop is intended to be a refuge from what feels like a relentless wave of loss in the downtown east side.…

遺囑及遺產規劃(粵語) Wills and Estates (in Cantonese)

Carnegie Community Centre 401 Main Street, Vancouver on MST Territory, BC, Canada

Presenter: Annie Leung (with Family Services of Greater Vancouver's Financial Empowerment Team) Program Description: “寫遺囑”是否在你的待辦事項清單上已經很久了?你有興趣了解更多有關撰寫遺囑的內容嗎?擁有遺囑可確保你的遺產(您擁有和欠下的)在你去世時按照你的意願分配,這對每個人都很重要的。快來了解更多關於何時應該立遺囑、遺囑包含哪些內容以及對遺囑的要求等。講員梁玉珍是大溫哥華家庭協會的財務賦權計劃 (Financial Empowerment Program)一位經驗豐富的導師,具有教育和培訓的專業背景。她熱衷於為客戶提供個人生活理財知識技能,以管理他們的日常生活財務並改善他們的財務狀況。 與Family Services of Greater Vancouver合辦。Has "writing a will" been on your to do list for a long time? Interested in learning more about what is involved in writing a will? Having a will ensures your estate (what…